
Open source XML diff written in Java

It's a collection from http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/open-source-xml-diff-in-java
  1. VMTools
    - The toolkit contains tools for automatically generating differences
    between two XML documents. The difference document generated is
    optimized for minimal size. Supports mark-up style documents in
    addition to data documents.
  2. 3DM
    - The 3DM tool is a tool for performing 3-way merging and differencing
    of XML files. Unlike line-based tools, such as diff and diff3, 3DM is
    aware of the structure of the processed XML documents. 3DM is not
    limited to update/insert/delete operations, it also handles moves and
    copies of entire subtrees. 3DM is not reliant on edit histories; the
    only input needed are the XML files.
  3. diffxml
    - Standard UNIX tools exist for comparing (diff) and patching (patch)
    files, which operate on a line by line basis using well-studied methods
    for computing the longest common subsequence (LCS). This project
    contains XML diff and patch utilities. Also contains an implementation
    of a Delta Update Language or DUL.
  4. diffmk
    - Converts the documents into two lists of nodes (text and/or element
    nodes) and attempts to find the longest common subsequence of nodes.
    Phrased another way, it finds the smallest number of additions and
    deletions to each list that are required to make the two lists the same.
  5. XMLUnit
    - XMLUnit for Java provides two JUnit extension classes, XMLAssert and
    XMLTestCase, and a set of supporting classes (e.g. Diff, DetailedDiff )
    that allow assertions to be made about the differences between two
    pieces of XML. XMLUnit for Java can also treat HTML content (even
    badly-formed HTML) as valid XML to allow these assertions to be made
    about the content of web pages too.
  6. OpenSHORE XML Merger
    - ool to insert XML tags from differnt sources into one or more text
    files. The Java program reads a very simple file format (*.xmlm files)
    with one XML command per line. XMLM sorts these commands, removes
    duplicates, ensures correct tag structure and generate XML files from
    listed files.
  7. XOperator
    - XOperator is a scriptable command-line tool and library to compare,
    merge and synchronize XML documents, a framework to formulate and
    evaluate algebraic expressions on XML trees and a framework to express
    object-oriented inheritance (and more) in pure XML.
  8. JXyDiff - JXyDiff is a based on XyDiff.
    It was originally developed at INRIA. It employs a novel Change Model
    tailored to XML data. It is a tree oriented algorithm that is fast and
    can detect if a node has been moved or updated.
  9. DiffX
    - DiffX is an open source Java API for comparing XML documents by
    analyzing the sequence of XML events. When processing XML data for
    comparison it more interesting to know that a word in the text of
    chapter X, paragraph Y has been changed rather than knowing that line Z
    is different. DiffX can ignorethe order of the attributes and white
    space for indentation or namespace prefixes.
  10. XMLPatch
    - XMLPatch, developed at Nokia, is a framework utilizing XML Path
    language (XPath) selectors for the use in applying a set of patches to
    a document. The framework includes a simple xml-diff utility.
  11. XMerge
    - The XMerge SDK provides a framework for converting documents between
    different formats using conversion plugins to read and write each
    format. In addition to format conversion, the XMerge SDK provides a
    framework for merging changes in one document format into an original
    document. XMerge provides plugins that are designed to support the
    OpenOffice.org XML file format. The framework is able to support
    "chaining" of conversions, also known as an "Any-to-Any" conversion,
    eg. convert from a Palm document to a PocketPC document through the
    intermediate OpenOffice.org XML file format.
  12. A7Soft JExamXML



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