
37signals 新書《Remote: Office Not Required》

曾經出版 《ReWork》(中譯:工作大解放)的 37signals 即將有新作出版。37signals 就是開發 Ruby on Rails 框架的公司,他們的快速成長倍受全球矚目,他們引領網路時代的新型態工作趨勢洞見,也持續透過出版與全球分享。

新書 REMOTE 談論「遠距工作」的新趨勢,有愈來愈多公司加入這個浪潮,讓員工在家甚至在海外工作;在可以期待的未來,這種工作型態的人們將不再是少數。

這本書預計在 Oct 29 出版,目前 Amazon 網站已可預覽部份章節內容。
  1. Amazon Product Page
  2. 37signals Official Page

As an employer, restricting your hiring to a small geographic region means you’re not getting the best people you can.As an employee, restricting your job search to companies within a reasonable commute means you’re not working for the best company you can. REMOTE, the new book by 37signals, shows both employers and employees how they can work together, remotely, from any desk, in any space, in any place, anytime, anywhere.



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