
書評: "Learning Responsive Web Design" A Beginner's Guide By Clarissa Peterson, O'Reilly

Clarissa Peterson 是一位 UX 設計師與 Front-end 開發者,她也是顧問公司 Peterson/Kandy 的共同創辦人,專注於 Responsive Website 設計的領域。

Responsive Web Design 中文大多譯為響應式網頁設計,市面上能找到的書不多,近來總算有幾本中文書可以參考。網頁開發者在掌握 HTML5/CSS3 技術之後,下一步就需要學習 Responsive 的概念及方法。

許多前端開發框架諸如 Twitter Bootstrap 或是 Foundation,就是非常強調 Responsive 的框架,內建的 Grid System 能夠讓開發者更容易打造跨裝置的網頁。

瞭解 Responsive 的原理及實作方法,才能使 Programmer 與 Designer 的合作更順暢,彼此都知道什麼樣的設計才適合不同裝置。

儘管有很多框架可以幫忙,但是做出“好”的 Responsive 網頁,需要仰賴很多經驗的累積,畢竟終端使用者瀏覽的裝置類型眾多,沒有經驗的開發者,要走過漫漫長路才能學習成長。這本書將作者的經驗濃縮,讓讀者用最短的時間汲取她的設計經驗。

Learning Responsive Web Design
A Beginner's Guide
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Final Release Date: June 2014
Pages: 412

Deliver an optimal user experience to all devices—including tablets, smartphones, feature phones, laptops, and large screens—by learning the basics of responsive web design. In this hands-on guide, UX designer Clarissa Peterson explains how responsive web design works, and takes you through a responsive workflow from project kickoff to site launch.
Ideal for anyone involved in the process of creating websites—not just developers—this book teaches you fundamental strategies and techniques for using HTML and CSS to design websites that not only adapt to any screen size, but also use progressive enhancement to provide a better user experience based on device capabilities such as touchscreens and retina displays.
  • Start with content strategy before creating a visual design
  • Learn why your default design should be for the narrowest screens
  • Explore the HTML elements and CSS properties essential for responsive web design
  • Use media queries to display different CSS styles based on a device’s viewport width
  • Handle elements such as images, typography, and navigation
  • Use performance optimization techniques to make your site lighter and faster

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