
使用 diskpart.exe 重新規劃磁碟分割

1. 在命令提示字元, 輸入 diskpart.exe.
2.型別 list volume 如果要顯示在電腦上現有的磁碟區。
3.型別 Select volume volume number 磁碟區號碼 是數字, 而該磁碟區, 您要擴充
4.型別 extend [size=n] [disk=n] [noerr] . 下面將說明參數:
The space, in megabytes (MB), to add to the current partition. If you do not specify a size, the disk is extended to take up all of the next contiguous unallocated space.

The dynamic disk on which to extend the volume. Space equal to size=n is allocated on the disk. If no disk is specified, the volume is extended on the current disk.

For scripting only. When an error is thrown, this parameter specifies that Diskpart continue to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the noerr parameter, an error causes Diskpart to quit with an error code.
5.型別 exit 若要結束 Diskpart . exe。

from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/325590/zh-tw



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