
「Ubuntu Kung Fu」功夫烏邦圖

Ubuntu Kung Fu: Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks

出版社:Pragmatic Bookshelf


Ubuntu's rise to power has been rapid, historic and well-deserved. It's
the best Linux distribution ever, but most people only use a fraction
of its power. Award-winning Linux author Keir Thomas gets down and
dirty with Ubuntu to provide over 300 concise tips that enhance
productivity, avoid annoyances, and simply get the most from Ubuntu.
You'll find many unique tips here that can't be found anywhere else.
You'll also get a crash course in Ubuntu's flavor of system
administration. Whether you're new to Linux or an old hand, you'll find
tips to make your day easier.
Ubuntu builds on a solid base of Debian Linux to create an
award-winning operating system that's light-years ahead of its
competitors. Ubuntu consistently tops lists of the most popular Linuxes
amongst professionals and enthusiasts; Dell recently embraced Ubuntu in
its product lines after a user survey indicated overwhelming public
Ubuntu Kung Fu provides hints, hacks, tweaks and tricks for
every level of user. Guaranteed to be free of the usual dross that
fills tips books, Ubuntu Kung Fu is written to be entertaining
and, above all, readable. Its 300+ concise tips utilize and exploit
hidden or lesser-known features to boost day-to-day productivity.
You'll also find tips on tweaking Ubuntu, wrangling the system into
shape, optimizing, enhancing security, and lots more. Learn what
extraordinary things can be done with Ubuntu.
Written with the migrating Windows or Mac OS X user in mind, Ubuntu Kung Fu
avoids the usual Linux/Unix folklore that can send most of us to sleep.
The tips have one aim--to produce results as quickly as possible, in an
environment where the reader can polish their skills as they read. This
is the Linux book for the rest of us.

發現這本書是看到Slashdot的新聞,"Kung Fu"這個中文"功夫"的音譯吸引我的注意,近年不只許多電影掛上功夫兩個字,連Linux的書籍都來湊一腳。光是目錄就有十頁,這本書的內容包含非常多"簡短"的Tips,大約1/2~1頁左右的篇幅,總共315個Tips。對於經常使用Ubuntu的玩家來說,可以看"別人怎麼玩",這也是許多Linux愛好者很常關心的事,因為Linux世界好玩的東西實在太多,自己能夠探索的範圍相當有限,所以必須多多和人交流,而這本書讓我們可以快速獲得作者分享的經驗,立即提昇一甲子的功力。

Linux世界有太多奇妙的用法和有趣的軟體,雖然上網可以找到很多資料,但畢竟Linux的發行套件太多(例如Ubuntu、Fedora、Debian、Mandriva、OpenSUSE、...等),加上版本的變化太快,有時候經驗不夠的使用者,會覺得網路上的教學怎麼照著做還是不行,這時候就必須找一本合適的參考書,Ubuntu Kung Fu就是針對Ubuntu的使用者所寫,在Ubuntu上嘗試書上的教學自然就比較沒有障礙。或許有人會說,再過段時間,版本改個幾次之後,書上講的不就不一定能照做;其實不然,只要平常多玩、多練習,就能夠知道新版本需要怎麼調整方法了。





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